Fireplace Inserts

Retrofit Your Outdated Masonry Fireplace With An Efficient Fireplace Insert From Edwards Hearth & Home.

Our high quality fireplace inserts are installed inside an existing masonry fireplace to provide a more efficient, cleaner burning fire. Outdated fireplaces may be unsafe to use and in many cases are actually drawing heat out of the house and sucking it up the chimney. Fireplace inserts allow you to retain more heat and help save money by improving overall efficiency and keeping heat inside of the room. High efficiency fireplace inserts from Edwards Hearth & Home offer a traditional fireplace aesthetic without the need to tear down your outdated fireplace.

Wood Fireplace Insert Porcelain

A Classic Wood Fireplace Aesthetic.

If you have an outdated or unsafe wood fireplace, spare yourself a major hassle and a few weeks of construction and install a custom designed wood fireplace insert instead of removing your old hearth. Removing an existing hearth is a construction headache. Wood fireplace inserts are made to fit in your existing structure and are packed with features like blowers, designed to help retain more heat from your wood fire maintain even air temperature throughout the room.

View Our Wood Fireplace Inserts

Hassle-Free Gas Fireplace Inserts.

Tired of having to haul in logs every few hours and the constant need to sweep around your hearth? Modern gas fireplace inserts allow you to convert your old wood burning hearth into a beautiful gas fueled fireplace. Gas fireplace inserts offer the same warmth without the hassle of having to constantly chop wood, tend to a fire and sweep up the dirt and residue left behind by a pile of wood. Gas stoves can also run without without electricity, which means you’ll always have a warm place for friends and family when the power goes out during a bad winter storm. Visit the Edwards Hearth & Home Gas Fireplace Insert Design Center to see a live demo and tons of finishing options for your custom gas fireplace insert.

View Our Gas Fireplace Inserts

Hassle-Free Gas Fireplace Inserts.

Tired of having to haul in logs every few hours and the constant need to sweep around your hearth? Modern gas fireplace inserts allow you to convert your old wood burning hearth into a beautiful gas fueled fireplace. Gas fireplace inserts offer the same warmth without the hassle of having to constantly chop wood, tend to a fire and sweep up the dirt and residue left behind by a pile of wood. Gas stoves can also run without without electricity, which means you’ll always have a warm place for friends and family when the power goes out during a bad winter storm. Visit the Edwards Hearth & Home Gas Fireplace Insert Design Center to see a live demo and tons of finishing options for your custom gas fireplace insert.

View Our Gas Fireplace Inserts

Harman Stoves Accentra52i-TC Pellet Insert

Eco-Friendly Pellet Fireplace Inserts.

Pellet stove inserts offer a sustainable, high efficiency option for heating your home with ‘green energy’. Enjoy classic fireside warmth and peace of mind knowing that your pellet fireplace insert from Edwards Hearth & Home is saving you money on energy bills without compromising the environment. Our sustainable, locally manufactured pellets provide you with a carbon neutral fuel source that helps reduce your carbon footprint and stimulates the local economy.

View Our Pellet Fireplace Inserts